Sunday, July 28, 2013


Hey people who read my blog! (So probably 1-2 people). It has been a crazy summer and I completely forgot about writing blog posts! I have been ignoring my blog... or as I just titled this blog, blog-noring it. So let me just tell y'all what I have been up to for the past few months.

In mid-May I finished my first year of college and boy did it go fast! I had a great freshman year, a lot of fun, a lot of mistakes, but most importantly I learned a lot about myself/ knowledge in general!

I chose to take a online summer class just to get in a few more credits. The class that I took was called: Exploring New Media; we basically read articles about blogging, face booking, and general social medias and created our own blog post and responded to our classmate's blogs. This class was A LOT OF WORK! I had so much reading to do and had to answer so many questions on that reading and I had 5 essays due all within a week of each other. And of course being the lazy student that I am I left all of the assignment until the last minute.

I got a job! I was having the hardest time getting a job. I went on (about) 10 job interviews and had them all tell me that I would be perfect for the job but they didn't want to hire me because I would leave for school in the fall and they needed more than just summer help. But a place finally took a chance on me! In the mall in my area a Vans store was opening up and I was lucky enough to get a job there! Vans sells shoes (like vans sneakers), apparel, and skateboards. I absolutely love my job and the people I work with and I am going to make the biggest effort to make sure that I do not lose my job when I am away at school.

I've been to the beach a few times this summer. My first week home I took a day trip to Sea Side Heights with a few of my friends. And yes, it is where they filmed Jersey Shore. That day I got THE WORST sun burn ever. You know how if you burn yourself with like a flat iron or stove you have a burn mark? Well the sun has left a huge burn mark on my foot/ankle/shin area and it has been 2 months and it still hasn't gone away yet! I took a day trip to Ocean City NJ at the end of june with my two friends which was perfect and then the next day I went back with my cousin/ aunt and uncle. It was fun we went on the beach, played mini golf, and had ice cream. 

Also another thing that has been controlling my time is color guard practice. If you don't know, I am in my university's marching band in the color guard section. If you don't know what (or who) the color guard is, we are the people with the flags with the marching band (but this year we are going to spin saber and or rifle as well!) Every Tuesday and Saturday I have been driving an hour to my school for practice... well not every tuesday and saturday- it's getting hard to afford the gas to get there! But I have been going to most of the practices and I am excited for the new season.

What I'm up to for the rest of summer:

More color guard! I still have loads more practices to go to.

Working as much as possible. I need to work as much as possible to earn some extra money because I don't get really good hours at my job a school. Also I wanna work more to show my managers that I am really committed to my job and I am great at doing it, at least I think so. Really I just don't want them to let me go at the end of summer.

Wildwood/ Family Vacation. Next week my family and I are heading down to Wildwood for a family vacay like we do every year!

Make more videos! Lately I have been slacking on my youtube channel ( I guess it's because I feel that not may people care. I have about 30 subscribers and my videos only get around 10 views. I kind of lost touch of the reason I started this channel, not for fame or anything (well, a little fame :D ) but for me. It was something fun for me to do, also I was really lonely weekends in college so it gave me something to do to procrastinate homework. Also I lost my memory card and haven't had the time to get a new one until recently, so new video soon!

Band Camp. Yes yes yes, I am going to band camp. And I have 2 weeks between Wildwood and Band Camp to get my whole college life together because...

Move In! I move into my on-campus apartment as soon as I get back from band camp! Which is cool because that is a day or two before everyone else gets to move in!

So yes my summer has been crazy busy and I hope that all of my blog readers can appreciate that I have been working and making the most out of my summer! So thanks for reading my really long excerpt about my crazy summer and I really hope that I can start getting back into the habit of blogging again!
