Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hello there!!

My name is Dana, I am 18 and a student at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I am a journalism major at school so i figured, I should start a blog! What you can expect from this blog is basically just my inner weird thoughts, health and beauty posts, marching band related things, fun events, and youtube videos (go subscribe to me now --> ) With that being said, let me tell you a little bit about myself:

I am from New Jersey, grew up in south Jersey and I am now living in North Jersey for college. I am in my school's marching band doing color guard. I spin flag, saber, rifle and I can twirl baton and dance. I chose to go to Rutgers University when I first saw it the summer before senior year when I went on a tour and saw how massive their football stadium was and I could immediately picture myself performing every half time show there. At school I work at the TV studio, it's a pretty good job, everyone's nice and the works is not too hard. 

That's all for now, follow me on 

until next time --- Dana 

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